Saturday, July 3, 2021

New prince Enterprise in khalishpur

New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
Robi Airtel ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )


DSR 2 Opu Biswas New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur

New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
DSR 2 Opu Biswas ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )

Opu Biswas is a good employee of New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. He can communicate weel with retailers. He provides good service to retailers. And for this New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur considers him a duty ban. He used this rout to Samanta Bazar, Jinnanagor Bazar, Napar Mour, Napar Bazar etc. All these are under New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. Phone + 8801839153035


DSR 3 Bokul New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur

New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
DSR 3 Bokul ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )

Bokul is a good employee of New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. He can communicate weel with retailers. He provides good service to retailers. And for this New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur considers him a duty ban. He used this rout to Balamat Bazar, Purapara Bazar, Borokhanpur and Alampur Bazar etc. All these are under New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. Phone = 8801828223818


DSR 1 Md Abir Hossain New prince Enterprise in Khalishpur


New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
DSR 1 Md Abir Hossain ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )

Md Abir Hossain is a good employee of New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. He can communicate weel with retailers. He provides good service to retailers. And for this New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur considers him a duty ban. He used this rout to Natima Bazar, Mandartola Bazar, Jadobpur Bazar, jalualy bazar, Vuladanga Bazar and Voiroba Bazar etc. All these are under New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. Phone = 8801851944800

DSR 5 Ismail New prince Enterprise in Khalishpur

New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
DSR 5 Ismail ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )
Ismail is a good employee of New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. He can communicate weel with retailers. He provides good service to retailers. And for this New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur considers him a duty ban. He used this rout to Khalishpur, Moeshpur, jolilpur bazar and Fotapur bazar etc. All these are under New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. Phone = 8801848475675


DSR 6 Rasel New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur

New Prince Enterprise in khalishpur
DSR 6 Rasel ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )
Rasel is a good employee of New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. He can communicate weel with retailers. He provides good service to retailers. And for this New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur considers him a duty ban. He used this rout to Duttnagar, Gurdah, Shyamkur Bazar and Ghugry Bazar etc. All these are under New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur. Phone = 8801828223806 


Manager New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur


New prince Enterprise in Khalishpur
Manager Sumon ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )

Manager Sumon is an honest man. He has been in New Prince Enterprise in khalishpur for 10 Years.
 He works very well sincerely. He can communicate much better.
 He has benefited a lot form New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur.
 Phone =8801845343536

New prince Enterprise in khalishpur

Robi Airtel ( New Prince Enterprise in Khalishpur )